This is obviously a problem that isn't really high on the scale of problems in this world. But it's something I have been struggling with and after much thinking, I've decided to share. Mainly, I'm sharing because I can't possibly be the only one out there struggling with this very thing.
Here's the background: I've had 2 kids. (Aren't they adorable:)

The first baby girl was huge, 9lbs 3oz and in turn I was huge. That first pregnancy I ate whatever I wanted (which included at least a bag of sour patch kid gummy things per week), and gained 35 lbs. I bounced back to my prebaby shape in about 8 weeks. Then comes the 2nd baby girl 2 years later. I watched what I ate, and tried to keep my indulgences to a minimum. But in the last trimester cherry berry frozen yogurt was a weekly event. I gained 30 lbs and baby girl weighed 8lbs 3oz. 8 weeks after baby girl #2 I was back in 1 pair of my prebaby jeans. And I was depressed. So, I took a break from all things sweet for 2.5 months and watched what I ate. Now here I am 6 months later after baby #2. I've lost all the baby weight plus about 9 lbs.
And now your asking what the problem is.
Well, I still look preggo. I have this mummy tummy as some call it. In fact my breaking point was when Belle (my ever honest 3 year old) came up to me, poked my belly and asked kindly "mommy, is there another baby in there?"
Um NO! I cried. And cried some more.
I'm being completely honest when I say I've been depressed about what I look like, about what these babes that I adore have done to my body. Everywhere (it seems) I see women who have had babes and boom they are back to this great flat stomach. Meanwhile, I sit here looking preggo all over again, even though I weigh less then I've weighed in a LONG time.
Long story short this is what conclusion I came too: I know that God still loves me, that Drew and the girls still love me. But I didn't love myself.
So I did the only thing a reasonable person does. I googled my tummy problem.
Come to find out I have diastasis recti. Which is basically where your ab muscles are split, they are no longer together as they once were. Because there were babes in there pulling them apart. Here's how I finally came to the conclusion that that was what was wrong with me. Do this simple self test and see what it shows. Here's the link to the video I used from Fit2B.
There are actually 2 videos when you type in that link. The 2nd one is more detailed then the first and much more helpful in truly understanding the problem.
I have a 2 almost 2.5 finger gap at my belly button. Which is not too bad; when from what I've read many women have a much bigger gap than that (think 3-5 finger gap). But now the real problem starts; how to fix it and feel comfortable with myself again.
So I googled and googled and googled...did I mention I googled it?
And I came to a couple of different programs:
(These are strictly my opinions about these programs...I encourage you to check each one out for yourself)
The Tuplar method: In short you wear a splint at all times except in the shower to bind your abs back together and also do special exercises to help strengthen your core. Yeah, you can imagine that I did not take this one to seriously for myself. Wearing a binder does not come under my description as fun. It may work for some people but it wasn't going to work for me.
The MuTu program: An online program or DVDs that you purchase. It has A LOT of positive reviews. I debated about this one for a while but couldn't bring myself to pay 120$ for DVDs that I didn't really know if they worked...
Postnatal Slimdown/Moms into Fitness: Basically, a workout program that includes 2 phases to get you back into shape after baby. Also, includes special exercises for DR (diastasis recti) and the routines are modified for those with DR. I actually started this workout DVD. Stuck to it for 6 weeks. I lost about .5 inches from my tummy and about 1.5 inches from my hips. It's a good DVD. But I saw very little improvement with my DR. I still looked preggo, and I felt like my tummy muscles (what was left of them) weren't being challenged. So, I went back to my old friend google. (I will probably incorporate the moms into fitness workouts again once I heal my DR).
And I came across It's basically workout videos made by a fellow momma in her own home. Don't worry she's not just some random momma, shes actually trained in all things fitness and healing DR.
I e-mailed the company and got a quick response with some answers to my questions and decided to take a chance. I signed up a couple days ago and I have to say I am impressed. I am not a person that has ever worked out before (except when I used to tag along with Drew to the gym before kids). But these videos are great. And I can already feel the burn, so to speak. Also, she does exercises for DR like none I have seen or done before. I'm optimistic about this program. It's also pretty cool that she has workout videos that you can do with your kiddos. It's 9.99 a month and you can cancel at any time. (oh and I should mention, no one is paying for my opinion about this...its just my unpaid for opinion)
I don't have time to go to a gym. I don't have a nanny on call, or family around me, I don't do gyms with childcare and I have a hubs that works 12+ hour days. So this works for me...because, I hate germs and because putting 2 kids in the car is usually ridiculous. So, this working out at home works for me. Maybe it doesn't for you (which is a-ok, do what you can/are able to). Its better than the alternative of sitting on the couch being depressed and eating yet another bag of m&m's.
The other (possibly selfish) reason I write this blog is to keep myself accountable. If someone else knows (even if I don't know them) that I'm doing this, I feel this weird motivation to keep doing it, to actually choose a lifestyle change and dive head first into getting into shape.
I'm nothing if not honest. And this is my honest struggle right now.
Also, you might be wondering what the 'before' pics look like....yeah, I'm not THAT honest folks. Also, I don't put myself out there THAT much. :)
I will say that my measurement at my belly button is 32 inches. My goal for now is 31. One inch at a time.
I'm hopeful that I can close this DR and be comfortable with myself once again.
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