Friday, June 21, 2013

10 Years Ago

10 years ago today Drew and I got married.

I know what your thinking, geez 10 years.  I know, because that is exactly what I've been thinking too!

So, in honor of being married 10 years...I'm going to give you a glimpse at what life for us was like 10 years ago (at least what I can remember).

10 years ago...

- We were both kids...just 19.  Yep, 19. We were engaged spring break of our senior year of high school.

- I cried the entire way down the aisle.  And I cried throughout almost the entire ceremony.  I was a hot Cinderella dressed mess.  Not because I was sad, but because I knew this was life altering, not something to be willy nilly about.  This was marriage and I was absolutely overjoyed that I had found God's perfect someone for me.  But looking back it would have been huge if I might have laid off the tears a bit...maybe I wouldn't have messed up my vows and had to repeat them.

- My mom was my maid of honor.  Amazing what can happen in 10 years time to a relationship.

- We were broke. Drew had 2 part time jobs that summer, I was gainfully unemployed and both of us were about to start our 2nd year at 2 different universities in Saint Louis.  In several of the years that followed our wedding we ate the vast majority of meals with my family or his because free food was exactly

- My sister was 7 and she was not a big fan of all the waiting that came with a wedding...waiting to go in, waiting to get pictures done, waiting to get the ceremony over with, waiting to take more pics, waiting to go eat, waiting for cake, waiting to get her scratchy dress off.  By the end of the afternoon she was an emotional mess.  But I do remember laughing at her several times:)

- My grandparents walked me down the aisle. I cried.

- My father-in-law married us.

- I wore ballet slippers because lets be real here people...heels are not for an overly emotional bride like myself.

- I was a curly haired red head.  Yep.  And I admit I'd love to go back and redo my hair.

- Drew was ubber Hot that day, like straight up GQ worthy.

- Drew was not a big fan of wearing a black tux in 90 degree heat at 10 in the morning.

- Besides the day that Belle was born, this was my favorite day.

Here is to 60 more years together :-)