Tuesday, June 30, 2009

This shows I haven't blogged in awhile...

As I looked back at my last blog just a moment ago I thought 2 things (as I usually do) first:: wow its been more than a month since we actually closed on our house and two:: I haven't written in a while...
So whats the new house like ( yeah I know your asking....and even if your not I'm goin to inform you...ha)
We are finally sorta settled in. We are no longer living out of boxes, the 2nd bedroom (or as we call the storage unit) is only half full of stuff to go through, and the house is starting to become one with us...HA
Problems that have come up...
1. we have mice and massive amounts of bugs
2. garage door motor or the thing that hangs down from the ceiling pooped out

Solutions to problems:
1. We called Orkin....yeah I wanted the mice killed with a bb gun but oh no ...we must be enviromentally friendly...So after Orkin left and had sprayed and left their "sticky" mouse traps I set out the decon (good old nasty poison) well turns out our mouse or small rodents poop the decon....I didn't even know that was possible, but at least they are eating it...hopefully it will get around to killing them soon

2. The garage door guy is coming out Thursday. The motor thing runs when you push the button but it doesn't lift the door. yeah..not a clue as to garage door things.

We are waiting for problem #3 b/c problems do travel in 3's...(but maybe not this time...) HA