Monday, May 6, 2013

A Change of Heart

Sunday before last we were studying the first part of Galatians, where Paul gives a brief history of his life and talks about finding freedom in Christ.  But what got me was the part about Paul's past, he began his life as a persecutor of Christians but one day God changed his heart and made him into the man he was to be, a follower of Christ and a leader of Christians.

Focus with me: God changed Paul's heart.  Changed it so dramatically and fully that it was unbelievable to some.  To me, it's hope.  

If God can change Paul's heart then can God change the one person's heart that made me run back to Him? Yes, He can.  But will he? and would she even accept the change?  I don't know.  

All I know is this: seeing the utter destruction of our relationship was the final straw that sent me seeking God once again with an actual open heart to Him.  


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