Thursday, August 14, 2014


So, I haven't posted in a long while.  Actually make that a REALLY LONG WHILE.

And in that REALLY LONG WHILE I became a momma of 2 girls...not just 1 anymore.

I'm still alive.  but most days it feels as though it is just barely alive.  And that is the truth.

Lil Miss Annalisa was born on June 24th.  After a rough start to the scheduled c-section we finally got to meet our new lil lady.  Evidently, I have an extremely high tolerance for pain meds.  There I am feeling tingly from a great spinal (and yes I say great b/c I didn't feel a thing) then before I know it the doc is poking me with something sharp and asking if I can feel it.  And I feel it.  Yep, felt every bit of it.  And I was supposed to be numb.  I guess they don't expect you to respond yes in tears when they ask can you feel that...
Then they gave me some more meds and put me on my head, tested me again and after I still felt their 2nd test they started talking about putting me under completely.  They even went out and told Drew that that was what was going to happen.  I'm crying and half drugged.  They started getting everything ready for putting me under and thankfully the doc said lets try one more time.  And this time, no tears because I couldn't feel anything.  She weighed 8lbs 3oz exactly one pound less then her big sis when she was born.  This lil lady felt like a newborn, unlike her older sister.  And that was it, life as a family of 4 began.

Annalisa had no problem fitting right in, her first night home we got up one time with her (which she has made up for since)  She is a beautiful, sweet lil lady.  Growing every day.
Her big sister had a rough time at first, not with her new sister but with me.  I think she was angry because I was gone for so long in the hospital and her routine was different.  But all is better now and she is back to her usual awesomeness.  Except now she is 3!

The transition from 1 to 2 was not without its bumps, bruises and tears but life as a momma of 2 has finally calmed down a little bit and we are establishing our new routine.  I am however, still hoping and wishing for more sleep but that is my new normal for now.

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