Monday, November 1, 2010

My plan vs Gods plans

I want a bambino...and every 28 days I count and wait and then get disappointed.  Now, mind you it's  only been since July that we've actually been trying to get pregnant.  But somehow, silly me, got it in my mind that it would happen in a snap.  HAHA  silly silly silly me. 

God constantly reminds me that I need to trust in him and stop trying to control everything.  And I think that this is another way God is teaching me to rely on him and to trust that it will work out in his time NOT mine.  Well, I should say here that, thats fine and dandy.  But it really does stink to have to give control over, but that's exactly what I am trying to do.  Some days are better then others with the whole giving control over to God.  Some days I worry that somethings wrong with me and that I'll never have a bambino, and other days I think it'll happen when it happens. and if it doesn't then thats Gods plan too.

What if  a year from now I'm still hoping, each month to be pregnant, and each month keeps passing by... and then I stop that thought and think, nope, this is in GODS TIMING NOT MINE...His will, not mine.

Thats hard stuff.

1 comment:

  1. We tried for 8 months! I finally found out that my thyroid levels were not right, and once we got them in the right range, it was good to go! I knew I had a thyroid problem, but it wasn't until I did my own research about the levels that I found where I needed to be for a healthy pregnancy. I wish I would have known sooner, or that drs were a little more up to date on their research...

    I hope you get your wish soon! :)
