Friday, April 27, 2012

Home is seriously where the heart is.

I love staying home with my girl.  There is no other place I would rather be. 

The gift of staying home hasn't come easy.  Things have been given up, people have cried, lives are changed ....all so that I can stay home with my sweet girl.  Everyday I think about what it has cost for this gift, this wonderful opportunity to stay home with my girl.  Some days it gets me a bit at what has been given up, at how many people it took to make this gift, this time with Belle happen.  Today is one of those days.  My heart is hurting so badly from the thankfulness inside of it.  For everything that has been sacrificed I am thankful.  I wish there was a better word than thankful, maybe grateful?  No, grateful is still not strong enough for what my heart feels these days. 

I love to hear her giggles, to rock her to sleep, to see her do little things that she couldn't do the week before, and to see her sweet smiles all day long everyday. 

Thankful and so very grateful is what I am for this life changing opportunity.  My heart is so full of gratitude it is bursting.  So thankful for all that so many have sacrificed for.  It breaks my heart to see it, to remember it; yet it brings a smile to my face and sweet memories to mind when I think of the reason I am sitting here at home with my Belle.  I will be forever eternally grateful for that which God has given me through the hard work, sweat, and tears of so many.  Eternally grateful...Those two words describe perfectly what my heart feels today, and everyday. 

God is good all the time.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012 has been...AWHILE!

So....yeah...its been awhile since I last blogged...but ya know things sometimes get set on the back burner after baby comes into your life and literally sucks your brain out, and leaves you with a pile of mush that revolves around her.  And I wouldn't want it any other way!  Sweet Arabella was born on Aug. 9 '11.  And yep, that makes her almost 9 months old!  9 months old!  Woah! People always say time goes by fast but seriously I do not know where the time has minute she was a sweet newborn that coo'd and smiled at everything and now shes an almost 9 month old that drools, slithers across the floor faster than a rattle snack, pulls up on things and is getting 3 top teeth (upping her to 5 teeth in her mouth!) 

Obviously time is not on my side here!

She is absolutely, hands down the best baby ever!  No doubt!  She loves to swing, rock, have her belly tickled, peek-a-boo, BATHTIME, stuffed animals, daddy and her Duke.  Shes amazing.  I love her beyond comprehension. 

She is our answered prayer.  When the Lord created her he went 10 million times over what we ever prayed for...she is truly an answer to so many prayers.