Tuesday, February 3, 2009


So on Sunday Drew and I had a first...
it was the 1st time we have given 10% of our income as a tithe to God.

It was a big thing, here we are, growing in our relationship with God through doing nightly devotionals with The Purpose Driven Life, which reminds us of the need to trust God with everything...including money. This was hard...harder than either one of us thought.

We are suppoused to be saving money for a house, but we knew (from doing this devotional) that we would never truly get a house or make any head way in life if we didn't give our tithe to God. We are trusting in him with everything...he says he will provide us with what we need, and in May we will need a house. I am so scared yet I have never been so hopeful and excited to see what and where God will take us. But my little human self is still scared.
.... all we can do is trust in his faithfulness.